Gallery We invite you to take a peek into the world of The Riko Method, where music, food, and love are always in style. Follow us on Instagram! @therikomethod @rikomethod See you later @therikomethod! #rikomethod #rikowei #rikomethod #pianolessons #earlychildhoodeducation Looking for the photo for the next event and not h The second Japan tour of 2024! Thank you for your #rikomethod #rikoweimer #pianolessons #rikomethod #rikoweimer #pianolessons @kittycash He is so good at digesting logics, instead of foll Read music like you read books! There are words, p #rikomethod #pianolessons Lunching w David of @steinwayandsons in Beverly Hi #rikomethod #rikoweimer #pianolessons #rikomethod #rikoweimer #pianolessons Sign up! Become a Riko Method instructor! We will Happy New Year! I am planning my East Coast tour #rikomethod #rikoweimer #bach #warmup #1分先生 #リコメソッド #リコワイマ Thank you, Hungary! 3 lectures in conservatories a #rikomethod #rikoweimer Follow on Instagram